My Work and Career

VALUES ADVOCACY has been the trademark of my multi-faceted career as a communications and media professional, human resource training and development consultant, academic provost, public administrator, executive coach, and entrepreneur.

My books, Attitude Towards Work (co-authored with my father, Jacob), Making Work Values Work, and, Braving Parenthood, lay out what has become my life-long personal and professional mission: the promotion of values as the bedrock foundation and primary driving force of personal, social, corporate and organizational development.

I pioneered in the study and conduct of values-based, culture-bound work productivity programs and have led and facilitated thousands of hours of organizational workshops and seminars on work values for executives and employees of corporations, government agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. I have coached hundreds of corporate executives on the integration and implementation of values in their personal, family, and corporate lives.

I was the award-winning producer and anchor of the daily show, Job Patrol, the first-of-its-kind classified ads on-air radio program that presented job vacancies, as well as discussed work values and corporate culture of the program’s featured sponsors.

I was appointed by Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos as Director of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board, as part of his pledge to reform the movie and television industry and promote values in movies and television programming. I also served as a political and organizational development consultant to local governments and other governmental agencies.

As a highly rated university professor and administrator, I am credited for establishing landmark academic programs and curricular innovations while serving as High School Principal, University Director of Research, College Dean, and University Vice President for Academic Affairs. I was granted tenure as a university professor at the University of the Philippines, after only one year of teaching - a unique and remarkable honor that is a testament to my groundbreaking work on curricular development and my commitment to academic excellence.

In recognition of my contributions to education and human development, I was nominated to the Outstanding Young Filipinos Award by the unanimous endorsement of all the Philippine Jaycees Chapters of the Province of Iloilo and the Iloilo City Government, together with local civic, professional, and academic institutions.

In 2001, my wife, Monette, and I migrated to the United States, at the dawn of a decade of major technological innovation that revolutionized the future of communication and business.

Riding the tide of these developments, I capitalized on evolving technology to develop products and services that help local brick and mortar businesses break into the realm of internet marketing for the first time. Through my companies, Xybernexus Communications and Zipcast Marketing, I introduced my business clients to the use of various online marketing platforms in combination with a hyper-local zipcode-based marketing strategy I called Zipcasting, significantly enhancing the ability of local businesses to efficiently promote their products and services, as well as effectively craft and communicate their values to their target markets.

When Apple launched the Newsstand application in 2011, I published SelfSmith, the first-ever digital magazine on personal development, for the Apple Newsstand.

In 2018, when President Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill into law, I saw in this breakthrough legislation an opportunity to venture into the supplement business by launching my own CBD brand, Vital Hale.

When the post-pandemic world reopened for business by the year 2022, I embarked on new undertakings, among which are Valuesman LLC, Memorial Treasury, and Life Defense Gear.

I obtained my B.A. in Communication (Major in Journalism), M.A. in Industrial Relations, and a Ph. D. in Communication (Minor in Public Administration), from the University of the Philippines. I also undertook extensive studies in the disciplines of Psychology, Philosophy, and Theology. In 2002, by invitation of the College of Communications of the California State University, Fullerton, I audited undergraduate and graduate level courses in Communication, while also serving as a guest lecturer for their Intercultural Communication courses.