My Mission

As a father of seven, I’ve been deeply invested in my children’s education since 2008. All this time I have very actively participated in many collaborations with, as well as “battles” against, policies and legislations involving principles, values, parental rights, and many other education-related causes, that have brought me advocating and lobbying from our local School Boards to our County Supervisors, and all the way to the august legislative chambers at Sacramento.

Principles, Values, Rights, are the quintessential fundamentals upon which a solid education philosophy needs to be built. Sadly, however, these are the very same essentials that our current educational system has, for a very long time now, systematically discarded in favor of ideologies that have wrought nothing but the destruction of the building blocks of our nation. And the consequences are horrifying, particularly for our county of Stanislaus, where our schools rank at the bottom 50% of all California. Our schools have an average ranking of 2/10, which is at the bottom 50% of California public schools. Our Math proficiency score is at 22%, and Reading proficiency is at 37%, which is lower than the California public school average of 34% and 49% respectively.

While there may be many contributing factors affecting student performance, much of this is attributable to bad policies and wrong priorities. We need to rationalize these policies and priorities, and start to introduce common-sensical ideas into the workings of the Board of Education.

We can reverse this downward spiral by electing a candidate imbued with the proper values, vested with experience, and consumed with a vision to innovate for change in our educational system. As an educator, a former University Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of a Graduate School of Management, High School Principal, and trade school Director, I believe I have what it takes to contribute to the kind of change we all aspire to.

If elected to the Board of Education, I will focus on more parental inclusion in schools, parental advocacy for grievances, and the establishment of an industry-driven dual-training technical education program.

My current life circumstances allow me to be available to represent the parents and families of our county – YOU, before the board of education, in the hope of embodying your interests, articulating your concerns, and pursuing your aspirations.

If you value such representation, as I hope you do, please consider voting for me as Trustee of the Stanislaus County Board of Education.

Thank you very much for your support!