My Mission

I’m seeking the Office of Trustee of the Stanislaus County Board of Education to represent the parents and families of our county – YOU, before the Board of Education, in the hope of embodying your interests, articulating your concerns, and pursuing your aspirations.

If you value such representation, as I hope you do, please consider voting for me as Trustee of the Stanislaus County Board of Education.

Stanislaus County School District Gets an “F”

My Platform

Parent-Inclusive Schools

Give parents more participation in the decisions that impact the education of their children.

Grievance Representation

Advocacy & support for parents and families with school-related complaints and grievances.

Better Technical Education

Adopt and develop an industry-driven dual-training curriculum & work-study program.

My Work & Career

  • CEO, Valuesman LLC., and Life Defense Gear

  • Former Chief Executive Officer of:

Kliatchko Industrial Relations Services Corp.

Ad editions and Graphicsmith, Inc.

Xybernexus Communication

Selfsmith Magazine

ZipCast Marketing

  • Tenured University Professor

Vital Hale

  • Former:

University Vice President for Academic Affairs

Graduate School Dean

Science and Technology High School Principal

Technical Trade School Director

  • Former:

Research Scholar and Lecturer, Cal State Fullerton

Director of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board of the Philippines

National Media Director of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) Commission for the Philippines

  • Author of: Attitude Towards Work, Making Work Values Work, and Braving Parenthood.

  • Award-winning Producer and Broadcast Journalist of the first-ever Classified-Ads-On-Air radio show, Job Patrol.

  • Nominated to The Outstanding Young Filipinos’ Awards for “exemplary contributions to education and human development”, by the unanimous endorsement of all the Philippines Jaycee Chapters of the Province of Iloilo, Philippines, and the Iloilo City Government, together with various civic, professional, and academic organizations.

My Family & Ancestry

I am the oldest of the six children of Jacob and Aleli Kliatchko, and a descendant of a decorated American hero.

I was brought up in a home where God took center stage in all aspects of our family’s life. My parents modeled for us a life of virtue, hard work, and above all, devotion to God.

We grew up imbibing the many values our parents imparted to us - values that have remained with me and which have informed and influenced me deeply, to the point where much of my life’s work, writings, and endeavors have been largely structured around the promotion and advocacy for values. It is perhaps for this reason that those within my professional circles, who know about my work, have given me the moniker, the Valuesman.

Volunteer for my Campaign

Please include your name and email in your message.

Support my campaign today, and

help the generations of tomorrow!

With your generous contribution to my campaign, you will be supporting the educational development of our county’s children.

Make checks payable to:

Kliatchko for Board of Education, 2024

Mail checks to:

The KAL Group, P.O. Box 730, Hilmar, CA 95324

To donate online, click the link below.

Thank you very much for your trust and support!

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